Evaluation Support for beginners
Please sign up using this Eventbrite link
Fife Climate Hub and Edinburgh Communities Climate Action Network have teamed up with Evaluation Support Scotland to offer a free Evaluation Support training day to our member organisations!
This will be an online session with an evaluation expert to take you through the process of identifying the need, developing outcomes and indicators, and working out how to measure your impact.
This training is aimed at groups new to project evaluation processes and to those needing to hone in their evaluation skills. It's also a perfect refresher if you've done this before but are needing a bit of inspiration to evaluate a new or different project.
Please note you must be a group community member of either FCCAN or ECCAN to attend this event.
If you have any questions about this training, please write to Sadhbh Moore, FCCAN Community Development Officer sadhbh.moore@fccan.org.uk
If your group is needing evaluation support but you're past the beginners level, please let us know! We'll consider hosting a follow-up session for non-beginners if there is enough interest.