Funds for Members

Greenlight Seedgrant

Greenlight is ECCAN’s annual pot of funding for climate action projects by community groups within the City of Edinburgh. In 2024 we gave out £114,000 to 32 local projects.

Community Learning Exchange Funding

ECCAN members can apply for the Community Learning Exchange administered by the Scottish Community Alliance for support on study visits and more.

Participation Fund

ECCAN members can apply to get financial support that removes participation barriers to our activities.

Other Funds & Support

Regenerative Futures Fund residents group

The Regenerative Futures Fund is a new initiative to improve the lives of people living in poverty and experiencing racism in Edinburgh, while contributing towards a just, green transition in the city. It will support community organisations in Edinburgh for 10 years and they are bringing together people who live in Edinburgh to decide who gets funded

Ethnic Minority Development Fund (EMDF) -CEMVO

The Ethnic Minority Development Fund (EMDF) supports ethnic minority-led third-sector organizations in Scotland. To qualify, organizations must have at least 60% ethnic minority representation in their board, management, and decision-making roles, have an annual income of £100,000 or less, and, if a Community Interest Company (CIC), have been operating for at least six months.

National Lottery Climate Fund

The National Lottery funds place-based community climate action projects across the UK through the Climate Action Fund. The Fund has £100 million available for the decade between 2019 and 2029.

FORTH2O Policy Innovation Partnership’s Small Awards

FORTH2O offer grants of £750–£10,000 for projects related to optimising outcomes from water resources in the Forth Water Basin. Designed for smaller-scale initiatives, these awards support collaborations between partners in policy, practice, academia, and communities.

A total budget of £105 000 is available and they expect to make a total of around 12-15 small awards across our three commissioning panel rounds.

The Regenerative Futures Fund

The Regenerative Futures Fund is a ten-year community fund for Edinburgh that is designed by and for people in their own communities. The funding will give grassroots organisations, collectives and movements the opportunity to think and plan for the long-term, tackling the root causes of poverty, racism and the environmental crisis.

City of Edinburgh Council’s Community Grants Fund

The Community Grants Fund (CGF) is a small grants scheme provided by the Council. Grants of up to £5,000 can be awarded to constituted groups for local community activity.

The deadline for the next funding round is midnight on Wednesday 30th April 2025.

A living spreadsheet of funding opportunities for environmental fundraisers, maintained by the team at EFN

Environmental Funders Network’s Funding Opportunities Database

Funding Scotland Website

The most comprehensive source of funding opportunities is the Funding Scotland website.

Funding Guides

SCVO Funding Guide

SCVO’s Step by Step guide to finding funding is a good place to start. Read this and then register with their online database of funds, Funding Scotland.

Funding Routemap

SCCAN’s Funding Routemap was written in 2013 but is still very relevant and useful tool for new and established groups.

We highlight new fund opportunities in our monthly members’ newsletter. Join ECCAN to get news on the latest opportunities. If you’d like to let us know about new funds, get in touch here.

More Resources

Find training packages for community groups. With options for both face-to-face and online sessions, you'll find plenty of opportunities to continue your journey towards sustainable change.


Get localized data for your community and start to take evidence-based climate action where it is needed. Discover the tools we love the most.

Climate Data

Other Resources

Discover exciting initiatives and opportunities to further climate action. From Edinburgh Cycleways to the Climate Action Tracker, here is our useful list of resources.