ECCAN Members Bulletin Board - Posting Rules

Please adhere to our Posting Rules to ensure everyone has a great experience using this forum.

  1. Before posting a new discussion:

    Events. If you wish to tell the community about your event, rather than posting to the bulletin board please instead list your event on our Events page - to do please contact us via

    News. If you wish to tell the community your news, rather than posting to the bulletin board please instead put this in our Newsletter - to do please contact us via

    ECCAN may from time to time take content from posts and channel these through our Newsletter - we will request your consent before any such re-use.

  2. Before posting a new discussion, please search the forum to check if a relevant discussion already exists, which you could post a reply to.

  3. If starting a new discussion, you will need to select a ‘tag’ - a theme of your post. If you have any questions on tags, please get in touch with us.

  4. Please at all times be polite and respectful in your choice of language. Moderation of posts, including deletion without warning, will remain at ECCAN’s discretion. This is to protect our members from online harm, as well as to keep the forum a place for constructive discussion and positive collaboration. Please raise any concerns via