Recruiting paid task group members
Recruiting Edinburgh Climate action Network (ECAN) task group members
Are you interested in contributing to building an organisation that will support community-led action to address the climate and nature emergency and work for a just, thriving and resilient Edinburgh?
We are looking for up to 12 ECAN task group members to contribute to building up the organisation.
Opportunity details:
-Open to individuals or group representatives, ECAN members or non-members.
-We particularly welcome applications from underrepresented individuals.
-£50 honorarium per meeting. Monthly invoicing required.
-Up to 2 meetings per month until March 2024 with actionable items.
-Max 6 places available per task group. -Impartiality expected. Interests will be registered. -Skills and experience needed.
-Your full name and bio will be available for ECAN members to vote.
We are looking for Skills / Experience in:
-Setting up a SCIO / seeking trustees
-Recruiting staff -Working with third sector organisations in Edinburgh
-Engaging with equality groups
-Designing grant requirements
-Fundraising -Strategic working and strategic partnership
You can find out more about the network, and types of membership, on the ECAN website. ECAN has now submitted the ECAN Hub Application to the Scottish Government and we are working on the next stage of our Climate Hub project.
In a recent meeting it was suggested that a good way forward would be to create two task groups, made up of network members. This group will be delegated by the wider group to take us forward into the establishment phase of the project. This phase will include setting up the SCIO, recruitment of staff and Board, partnership working arrangements among other things!
We recognise that everyone is very busy so would like to make this process as accessible and democratic as possible. We will therefore offer a small fee to support your attendance at task group meetings. We expect that there will be approx. 6 meetings over the coming 3 months. If you are already funded to do this work you can donate this fee to the ECAN seedfund.
We will continue to hold full network meetings, open to all.
The opportunity to be part of one of the two task groups is open to all, ECAN members and non-members. Please share this opportunity to relevant contacts of yours whom you think might have the skills and experience required. ECAN website:
Contact Jean-Matthieu, ECAN Coordinator: