Support for actions to increase reuse and recycling

Public consultation backs transition to a circular economy.

Proposals to cut the number of single-use, disposable items like cups, ban the destruction of unsold goods and promote the reuse of construction materials have received high levels of support in a recent consultation.

The draft Circular Economy and Waste Route Map consultation asked for views on the priority actions needed between now and the end of the decade to increase reuse and recycling, cut waste and drive further decarbonisation.

More than 70% of respondents backed proposals to reduce household food waste, introduce a charge on single use, disposable items and set new circular economy targets from 2025 – including local recycling targets from 2030.

The final Route Map is set for publication by the end of the year and its actions will complement provisions in the Circular Economy Bill which was passed unanimously by MSPs in June. 

Read more at the link below.

Support for actions to increase reuse and recycling - (


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