Connecting employers with young people and education

Calling all ECCAN members working in the fields of sustainability an climate action!

This is a fantastic opportunity to take part in a Speed Networking Sustainability/ Green Careers Event at Portobello High School, where  S2 pupils will have an opportunity to meet people working in the sector.

Event Date: Monday 7th October 2024

Event Time: The event runs in 3 sessions: 3 x double period sessions of 100 mins each with a third of the S2 year group (80 pupils) attending each of the sessions in the school’s Assembly Hall.  Session times will be:

Session 1: 8.40am – 10.20am

Session 2: 10.35am to 12.15pm

Session 3:  1.45pm – 3.25pm

It is possible to volunteer for 1,2 or 3 of these sessions

Event Format: The speed networking event will consist of the career professionals sitting at stations in the school's assembly hall. Groups of 4-5 S2 pupil will talk to the career professional for 5-7 mins per speed network over the session. After 7 minutes a buzzer will sound and the young people will move onto the next station.

Event Location:  Portobello HS, 1 Milton Road East, EH15 3PY

The young people will have some prepared questions to guide the conversation just in case they get stumped with what to ask. They will want to hear about your job role/ title, a little bit about the organisation you work for, your route into your current role (career to date), your qualifications journey (less direct routes particularly interesting e.g. apprenticeships, articulating from college etc.) and how you found your subjects at school and anything about your role you think they may find inspiring/ exciting.

Prop: If at all possible, people at Portobello High School would like you to bring a small interesting prop from your workplace - anything that you think young people may find interesting to handle and look at and talk about that would spark conversation.

Register your interest here


Climate Week 2024
