
SCCAN offer training packages to community groups who have joined as members of ECCAN. A minimum number of participants may be required to run the training. Training can be delivered face to face or online. SCCAN training fees.

For queries and requests, please email:

Climate Change

Climate for Change Facilitation

Having lots of quality conversations about climate change is one of the most effective things we can do to stop it. Climate for Change facilitators are key to making such conversations …

Climate Knowledge into Action Facilitation (Carbon Literacy)

As more people take action on the climate and ecological emergencies, they want to know more about the causes and …

Tell a Better Story for Change

Humans have evolved to process the world through stories – it is stories that help us understand facts and figures, make decisions and shift our …

Zero Carbon Britain

The Centre for Alternative Technology’s Zero Carbon Britain project offers the hard data and confidence required for visualising a future where we have risen to …

Widening Participation

The Art of Asking

We will enquire into and breakdown the apprehensions or fears or questions many of us have around asking. This could be asking in general, but specifically in the …

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion

A training to help your group widen participation and to conduct individual and organisational analysis of methods for engaging with diverse communities.