Recruiting paid task group members

Recruiting Edinburgh Climate action Network (ECAN) task group members Are you interested in contributing to building an organisation that will support  community-led…Continue readingRecruiting paid task group members

Scottish Government Launches the Climate Engagement Fund

The Scottish Government is pleased to announce the official launch of the Climate Engagement Fund. Designed to foster a deeper understanding of…Continue readingScottish Government Launches the Climate Engagement Fund

Get Involved as a Volunteer in Edinburgh’s Climate Action Network

Are you passionate about making a positive impact on the environment and your local community? Would you like to contribute your time,…Continue readingGet Involved as a Volunteer in Edinburgh’s Climate Action Network

Help Shape the Edinburgh Climate Action Hub – Take the Survey!

Are you ready to have an impact on shaping Edinburgh’s journey to a greener future? We invite you to participate in a…Continue readingHelp Shape the Edinburgh Climate Action Hub – Take the Survey!

Support from Edinburgh Council

Great news! Our motion to request support to find suitable council owned premises for an Edinburgh communities Climate Action Hub has passed…Continue readingSupport from Edinburgh Council

Carbon Literacy Training

We hosted Scottish Communities Climate Action Network’s accredited Carbon Literacy Training, ‘Climate: Knowledge into Action’ Edinburgh and Lothians Regional Equality Council (ELREC).…Continue readingCarbon Literacy Training