
Support & help shape ECCAN’s work

If you have time, energy or skills to offer, then get in touch!

Thinking about getting involved? Get in touch for an informal chat:

Email: victoria@eccan.scot

Phone: 07562 595 577

If you want to help advance community climate action in Edinburgh, meet new people and develop new skills, volunteering at ECCAN might be what you’re looking for!

We offer one-off and also longer-term opportunities to people interested in addressing the climate crises. Please get in touch with Victoria for an informal chat about what specific volunteer opportunities ECCAN are currently offering.

Here are some roles you can help with:

  1. Events Team: These volunteer roles would involve organising and coordinating events such as the Summer Garden Party and our regular events. Volunteers would be involved in logistics, securing venues, managing participant registrations, and ensuring the smooth execution of the events.
  2. Communications Team: Our comms volunteers support ECCAN’s communication efforts by assisting with email updates, website maintenance, and social media management. Volunteers help us disseminate information about upcoming events, share relevant resources, and engage with the community through online platforms.
  3. *** Upcoming *** Workshop Facilitator: This role would involve delivering workshops and training sessions on topics related to climate action and sustainability. Volunteers with expertise in specific areas, such as energy efficiency, waste reduction, or sustainable transportation, would lead educational sessions to empower individuals and community groups with knowledge and skills.