
ECCAN reports & documents:

Previous Newsletters

Tackling the Nature Emergency: A Scottish Government Consultation. ECCAN’s Response – Dec 2023

ECCAN Inaugural Members’ Meeting – Nov 2023

ECCAN Summer Garden Party – June 2023

ECCAN Progress Report – May 2023

ECCAN Founding Agreement – March 2023

ECCAN Winter Gathering – February 2023

ECCAN Timeline Graphic – February 2023

ECCAN notes – September 2022

ECCAN Kick-off event – July 2022: Attendees list; Notes; Facilitators’ feedback; I can offer; I need; What should the hub look like 1 ; What should the hub look like 2

Other reports:

Our Edinburgh Neighbourhood pilot study stakeholder report – July 2022

Edinburgh Council 2030 Climate Strategy – December 2021

Edinburgh Council Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan 2016 – 2020

Edinburgh Communities Climate Report – 2022

Climate Forum Membership Activity Group – June 2022

Edinburgh Climate Forum Event – May 2022

Edinburgh Climate Forum Design Principles – 2022

Climate Forum Facilitation and Support Group – 2022

Bridgend Farmhouse Community Consultation – 2020-2021

Climate Change Engagement – Assessing the Impacts of the Climate Challenge Fund – 2020

Climate Challenge Fund Review – 2019

Edible Edinburgh Edinburgh Sustainable Food City Plan

Scottish Household Survey 2021 – telephone survey: key findings